Artist Statement

Living on an island surrounded by many transformative and dynamic bodies of water I am captivated by the visual ever-changing aura they create. I have used a variety of techniques in my work to mimic the idiosyncratic waters that I find so intriguing but I continue to search for something more expressive.

My work is photography based yet each image is a unique print. I use a digital camera, Adobe Lightroom for processing and print on a 24” Epson Stylus Pro. I custom cut my own panels from 4’ x 8’ sheets as needed.

Since 2010 my water images have consistently been composed of designs and colors not waterscapes. These images reveal that which is above or below the surface with no picture frames to trap their continuity. I would like viewers to see more by looking closer at the bodies of water around them and consequently enjoy the unique ever-changing display of designs and colors they create.

Short Bio


JoAnne Dumas has an affinity with nature and particularly to that of our open waters. Her work is photography based and often pushes boundaries while using traditional and none traditional techniques that mimic the swirls of the waters, the shimmer, the clarity, the mesmerizing colors and wind-driven ripples.


JoAnne’s artwork has been displayed in numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout the United States as well as in private collections and corporate settings. She has taught art and digital media at secondary and college levels. JoAnne Dumas is a native of New York City who lives and works on Long Island. She received her bachelor and master degrees from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.


Short Resume (Select PDF File)